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SeamText dient zur einfachen Textformatierung. Es lassen sich alle wichtigen Strukturen wie Überschriften und Absätze darstellen. Die Schreibweise ähnelt der Formatierung, wie sie auch in der Wikipedia oder im SamsWiki verwendet wird.



It's easy to make *emphasis*, |monospace|, ~deleted text~, super^scripts^ or _underlines_.

Wird angezeigt als:

It's easy to make emphasis, monospace deleted text, superscripts or underlines.

Paragraphen und Überschriften

We can use a blank line to indicate a new paragraph, and + to indicate a heading:

+This is a big heading
You *must* have some text following a heading!
++This is a smaller heading
This is the first paragraph. We can split it across multiple 
lines, but we must end it with a blank line.

This is the second paragraph.
(Note that a simple newline is ignored, you need an additional blank line to wrap text into a new paragraph.)

This is the output that results:

This is a big heading

You must have some text following a heading!

This is a smaller heading

This is the first paragraph. We can split it across multiple lines, but we must end it with a blank line.

This is the second paragraph.


Ordered lists are created using the # character. Unordered lists use the = character:

 An ordered list:
#first item
#second item
#and even the *third* item

An unordered list:

=an item
=another item

An ordered list:

  1. first item
  2. second item
  3. and even the third item

An unordered list:

  • an item
  • another item


Quoted sections should be surrounded in double quotes:

The other guy said:

"Nyeah nyeah-nee *nyeah* nyeah!"

But what do you think he means by "nyeah-nee"?

The other guy said:

Nyeah nyeah-nee nyeah nyeah!

But what do you think he means by nyeah-nee?